With many hybrid students going virtual, many Avonworth students are attempting to adapt to a new work schedule and location. But, a section of students have been working through a virtual environment since the beginning of the school year. We (editors note – these are Avonews Online staff that have been virtual the whole year) are here to bring you some tips to get through this challenging time!
Tip One: Allow yourself to have fun during the school day, and take breaks along with completing assignments.
Anna: Working from my bed with my unhelpful cat.
Tip Two: Let yourself enjoy some freedoms at home that you don’t have at school. For example, eat some snacks during the school day.
Zoe: A first day of school s’more, quite unusual for a school snack.
Tip Three: Work with a pod of students during the school day. You have less exposure to COVID, but you get in-person social interaction and people to work on projects with.
Tip Four: Set specific times you will work on each class. Keep a list of your assignments and budget out when you will work on them and your spare time.
Tip Five: Be flexible! You might have to adjust your schedule during the school day, and don’t allow that to stress you out.
Tip Six: Find a place where you can work comfortably without distractions, and put distracting things in another room. You can also change up where you work to make the school day more interesting.
Zoe: My typical workspace, a lot comfier than typical school and featuring my classmate.
Tip Seven: It can be a lot easier to communicate and take part in smaller-sized classes on google meets. Use this to your advantage!
Tip Eight: Don’t be afraid to ask your teachers questions. Emails and office hours can be lifesavers if you don’t understand something.
Tip Nine: If you have siblings, make a balance between helping them with their schoolwork and doing your own.
Zion: My sister sits next to me in case she needs help, but when she doesn’t need help, I work on my stuff!
Tip Ten: Finish all the biggest assignments first. This way, you’ll feel less stressed at the end of the week.
Zion: Doing my biggest assignment first so that I have smaller ones at the end of the week.