Students found themselves at home again for school on Monday and Tuesday, March 15th and 16th, but this time it was not because of snow days or a covid outbreak. Instead, classes were all virtual as a majority of the Avonworth staff received their COVID-19 vaccination.
Some students were comfortable with the pivot and enjoyed having extra time in the morning. “It is nice to get an extra 15 minutes to sleep instead of leaving early to get to school, it’s also nice to be in my own space and not in school,” said senior Stephen Ezar. Others, like freshman Hunter Fritts, were happy “to stay home and hang out with my family.”
Those who did not enjoy the change preferred to start the school week back in the classroom. “I feel like the week will go even longer because I am home for the whole week now instead of being at school.” said junior Lois Bennett. Some students expressed feeling distracted in the virtual setting. “I wish I was in person because I feel I learn a lot more than being in my bed and doing my work at home, “ said junior Emily Davis.
Students went all-virtual for the first two days of the school week because many teachers are receiving their dose of the vaccine. In an email last week, superintendent Dr. Ralston wrote that “with many of our school personnel scheduled to be vaccinated this week and next, there is the possibility someone could be impacted by the vaccine’s side-effects and be unable to report to work.” The letter continued, “However, it is possible that a school, class, or classroom may have to pivot to remote learning briefly if we do not have the staff necessary to run a school building, class, or classroom.”
Staff vaccinations will likely continue throughout this week and the next, providing needed protection to our school community.
While much of the staff attended larger vaccine sessions for the Pfizer or Modern vaccine, a few also attended the AIU teacher vaccine sessions in Homestead. Here are a few pictures from inside the building.