One more major change due to the COVID 19 pandemic was new teachers just jumping right into Meets, the Virtual Academy, and synchronous instruction without students getting a chance to know them better. For Ms. James, Mrs. Covalt, Mrs. Ewell, Mrs Imbrogno, and Mr. Bandi, the Journalism 2 class invited them to visit 308 during MOD H for a final chance to know these new staff members before they head off to what looks like the end of the pandemic in the US. The class also invited long term substitutes.
Best cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but without milk. Otherwise, it gets too soggy!
Worst cereal: Captain Crunch, because it’s the hardest. It tears up the roof of your mouth, and it never gets softer.
Dude or bro? Bro
Hobbies: Zumba at the gym pre-pandemic, walking in the Mon Valley during the pandemic. At first, walking was boring compared to Zumba, but learned a lot about different areas of Pittsburgh.
Did you give out or ask for gum in high school? Asked.
Favorite food: Kale, with dressing or cooked.
Mrs. Ewell – Language Arts teacher
Best cereal: Frosted Flakes, Fruity Pebbles, or Cookie Crisps
Dude or bro? Bro
Hobbies: Basketball, working out, and video games. Also learned to cook during the pandemic.
Did you give out or ask for gum in high school? Gave out.
Favorite food? Any type of chicken. Guilty pleasure is chicken wings, especially from Quaker Steak & Lube.
Mr. Dizon – paraprofessional, substitute for Mr. Lincoln during 1st semester – business and video production classes
Best cereal: Cinnamon toast crunch, or any of the “awful sugary ones.”
Worst cereal: There is no worst cereal.
Dude or bro? Dude
Hobbies: Loves to run, has done a couple of marathons (3 full, 8 half)
Did you give out or ask for gum in high school? Always had gum, gave more than took
Favorite food, before or during the pandemic: Soft tacos on both counts, particularly because of pregnancy cravings.
Mrs. Imbrogno – Social Studies teacher
Worst cereal: Raisin Bran
Dude or bro? Bro
Hobbies: Jujitsu
Did you give out or ask for gum in high school? always asked. “Because I knew if I had gum people would come to me”
Favorite food: Sushi
Mr. Shoats – substitute for Mr. Haskins science classes, 2nd semester
Best cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Worst cereal: Anything with the word “bran” in it
Dude or bro? Dude
Hobbies: Painting, hiking, camping, and playing video games
Did you give out or ask for gum in high school? Asked
Favorite food: Any and all Indian food!
Ms. James – Art and media teacher
Best Cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, with milk
Worst Cereal: Raisin Bran, I like raisins but not the flakes – it’s the texture of the bran flakes
Dude or Bro: Dude
Hobbies: Crafts (some people call me the Pinterest mom) and expressive dance routines for her kids to help work out their emotions
Did you give out or ask for gum in high school? Gave out…especially AP Chemistry, there were only 5 of us. I always had gum because my brother worked at a gas station and could buy the almost-expired packs of gum for a penny. We always had surplus gum, especially the fruit flavors.
Favorite Food: Sushi, especially spicy tuna with whatever topping
Ms. Brittany Covalt, High School Science
Best/Worst Cereal: All of them are the worst (he doesn’t like to eat breakfast)
Dude or Bro: I use both…but if I could only use one for the rest of my life, I’d use bro
Hobbies: Reading, especially on the beach, books like Tuesdays with Morrie and The Last Lecture , mysteries and suspense novels, and working out.
Did you give out or ask for gum in high school? ..I’d spend three to four periods (a day) in the choir room so I didn’t (chew gum)…plus, I think it’s a texture thing but I don’t like it either.
Favorite Food: Lasanga…my mom makes a really good homemade lasagna.
Mr. Joseph Bandi, Chorus teacher
Photographs by Alec Kreutzer
Additional reporting and transcript work from Madison Perry