9th grade English and Integrated teacher Mr. Wells is going to have a big transformation to his beard style. In a fundraiser for the freshman class, Mr. Wells is going to shave his beard on Friday, April 8th, the last day before spring break. Mr. Wells used to shave his beard every year just for the sake of it, but this year, he decided to turn it into a fundraiser. He had each of his English classes design perspective beard options and vote internally before moving on to a school-wide competition.
Mr. Wells then recreated the student designs on the board, transferred them to paper, and tapped them into jars placed on his desk. Whichever jar has the most money by the end of the school day on Thursday will be the pattern he wears for the day. He plans to shave the pattern onto his face either Thursday night or Friday morning.
This competition was met with delight from students, but not quite across the board. Mrs. Wells, the wife of Mr. Wells, happens to have her birthday fall the day after his transformation. She too entered in a jar for his beard design, a clean shave, to which she donated $10 to.
Students can track the progress of the fundraiser on the whiteboard in the front of the room. All collected money will go to the 2025 freshman class, of whom he is the sponsor. The winning design was the upper row class E, the wave design. Only really visible from one side, the change to Mr. Wells beard was certainly stark.