In 2022 there were many shows that I went to see on my own time, on a field trip, and was a part of personally. I am here to talk about the best shows that I have seen in 2022.
To start off, In August I went to see Sister Act.
This show unlike some others was an overall upbeat type of show. The music was fun, the costumes and set peices were colorful, and the actors were talented in many ways. They all had great vocals, and they did a good job of portraying the emotions.
This was the cast I saw – the Pittsburgh CLO
The second show that I got to see this year that was one of the best was A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry.
This wasn’t a musical but a play. There was a much smaller cast than sister act, and they also did not preform in the same theater. This play was in the O’Reilly theater which is a thrust stage. This show was one of my favorites because of the tech crew. During intermission they let us see what tech crew members do to get ready for the different act. Why was this my favorite part? Because the set consisted of a house, and a kitchen, and if you think of everything that is in a kitchen it’s a lot. They didn’t let this stress them out, they just had the items to make the set complete that the actors didn’t have to use glued onto a board, and between acts they took the one board away and replaced it with another board with other things on it. Acting wise, I think that the actors did a great job with staying in the world of the play. I also think that the blocking was great knowing that they didn’t have as much stage space as a main stage production does.
The last show of 2022 was The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, which I was part of. There were so many parts of this show that I enjoyed. Too many to talk about, so I will talk about my experience being a Wood Nymph. This was the first year that I was a costumes tech crew member. This was very different from what I would usually do as a tech crew member in a few ways. The first way is that I was costumed. If I was not a wood nymph I would have to wear what we call tech blacks, which is just wearing an all black oufit. Another thing that was different was where I was throughout the show. If I was a normal tech crew member I would just be backstage, but as a nymph I spent a lot of my time in the house which is where the audience sits for the musical. The last thing I would like to mention is how I learned more about the acting world of the play because I had to learn how to act like a nymph instead of just a normal tech crew member moving set pieces. Overall, this was a great experience to have, and I am glad I decided to sign up to be a nymph instead of a normal tech crew member.
Best shows of 2022
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