What AHS Looks Like – January 2024 During Construction
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Construction continued through January 2024 with noticeable changes for students and teachers. The temporary entrance on the side of the building finished on Tuesday the 16th, with the opening of the new building entrance pictured below. New administration offices are set but not furnished, but most of the admin have moved from the temporary offices in room 306 to their permanent offices within the new entrance and renovations. Through the rest of the building, renovations continue on classrooms, hallways, and other sections of the building. Students in Journalism 2 captured photos below.
Construction continues on the new front entrance, seen here on the morning of Thursday, January 11th. Cranes pictured in the middle are part of building the 2nd floor edition for the middle school to house 6th grade. One of the key changes to the new entrance are the many windows, pictured in the bottom right corner.More work is continuing to be done on the entrance to the courtyard. Photo taken on January 11.
This blank stretch of hallway was one of the first sights for students in the 1st semester – the left side of the temporary entrance near what was the “language hallway”. Renovations are planned within the next year. Students placed posters for seniors in the fall play on the wall, with a teal color remaining from a 2010’s Galleries Project paint scheme.
Construction is moving fast on the new restrooms in the hallway near the courtyard. These bathrooms are built over what used to be part of the courtyard. Photo taken on January 11While construction of the new hallway continues, a view from the newly built library shows the space where all grades are now learning. Multiple glass panels can be seen throughout the hallway that show fellow students in classes. One of the noticeable features of the hallway are the blank white walls that cover it.The image here is taken on January 11th, 2024. The area is surrounded by construction elements, and the ground has become much gray-er as a result of the construction. The tree and foliage that was in the area was removed, replaced often with the sights and sounds of construction equipment.Unveiling the latest addition to Avonworth: the construction of a new entrance hallway was officially opened to all students and faculty, paving the way for a fresh start to 2024. The switch from the previous side doors has already shown to be much more organized, with it also providing a glimpse as to what the rest of the school will look like in the near future.Construction continued on the hallways of Avonworth high school, as pictured above on the afternoon of Friday, January 12, 2024. Now covered by plastic, the walls of Mr. Tuffiash’s previous room emanate the strong scent of sawdust, as perceived by students and staff members who passed by. One main change that can be observed through the translucent material is the addition of new windows facing the school’s inside, similar to the “fishbowl” hallway.
A few final views of the new front entrance, used for the first time by students on Tuesday, January 16th, to start the school day.
Photos and captions by students in Journalism 2 for the 2nd semester of 23-24: Dylan Lope, Pedro Moreira, Jacob Hanny, Tyler Hanny, J.D. Engel, Maya Nusskern,