For the class of 2025, the last handful of school days were the first taste of life as a senior in the year ahead. Senior Class Sponsor Mrs Negron, pictured below, joined Dr. George and Mrs Reilsono to meet with upcoming seniors during Lead. Negron, along with Ms. Wahl, both stepped down after sponsoring 11th and 12th grade classes the last three years, in addition to Fragments for Negron and Student Council for Ms. Wahl. Both will remain sponsors of those clubs, as well as remain in their full time daily teaching duties and meeting with families for special education purposes.

For 9th, 10th, and 11th grade, school shifted to last shared moments of fun before summer break. Board Games in Mr. Cario’s room, Mario Kart on the ViewSonic in Mrs. Shumaker’s, Trashketball in the library, basketball in the gym. About half the school from 9-11 attended the last day on Friday, May 31st.
When students return in September 2024, the auditorium will be partially renovated, science classrooms will be renovated, and much of the high school faculty will start and end the school year in the same room. The district extended summer vacation to help complete renovations, so students in 9th, 10th, and 11th will be attending school until mid June 2025 to complete state Department of Education required yearly hours.