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No matter where you go around Avonworth, you’ll more than likely see people listening to music with their earbuds in. But have you ever wondered what they were listening to? Well, you’re about to find out what 3 students listen to when they listen to music. Let’s see what they had to say
“Right now I’m listening to some metal. I enjoy it because my dad likes it, and I’ve just always enjoyed it.” -Tyler Hanny (’26)
I tend to listen to indie and pop mostly. I like them because it sounds good and it helps me calm down – John Nalevanko (’24)
I mostly mix up what I listen to, but if I had to choose one genre, I’d say I like country music the most. I like it because my grandpa likes to listen to it (’24)
Some different genres are thrown around, which goes to show you never know what to expect about a persons taste in music, and next time, we’ll get more students to tell us what they’re listening to.