Student Council is a peer-led organization that gives a voice to the student body; the Club Fair was an excellent opportunity to ask representatives some questions about how the club operates, why getting involved in Avonworth’s decisions is important, and how students can participate.
Sienna Schwartz, a senior, operated the Student Council booth at the Club Fair on September 25. She urged students to get involved in student council activities because challenging the school board and making a change was very valuable.
Student Council meets in Mrs. Wahl’s room every Wednesday after school to discuss and operate school activities, fundraisers like homecoming, pep rallies, and other events throughout the school year. Right now, the team is focused on planning our homecoming, and it could use some more helpful student voices.
Contact Mrs. Wahl at for more information and to get involved.
If you want to have your voice represented in the decisions we make at our school, join! It’s the best way to make your voice heard while being an active member in a club.” – Sienna Schwartz, 12th grade