I talked with Veronica Garcia, an Avonworth student in the class of 2025 known as the ESL club president and member of the year book club. I Wanted to know more about her relation with foreign cultures so here is an interview to know more about her values and experience as an exchange student during her junior year.
Where were you born and what is your origin ?
“I was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, my mom was born here and her parents always lived here but my dads side come from Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, a region in the south of the country”
We know that you did an exchange last year, where was it?
“ I studied in Kanazawa, a small city on the west coast of japan across from Tokyo”
During your exchange year in japan what was your biggest culture shock?
“ For me it was probably seeing how high school students work so hard. I joined the basketball team and it was really inspiring to be working with my teammates to see how they dedicate themselves to the club and the sport. We practiced a lot, everyday. So it was very impressive to see people my age working so hard.
How did this experience impact your life?
“ Well like I said it changed my work ethic but also now I have a deep love for Japan now and I plan to visit again soon and frequently.”
Do you think that the knowledge of languages is still important now?
“ Yeah in my opinion languages are culture and culture is the world so for me language is just so important…”
What was the most difficult part of your exchange year?”
“ Hum, I would say that communication with the host family is very important. They are your anchor whatever country you’re in. But, yeah in general, communicating in another language all the time is streesful and working on your communication takes a lot of energy and effort.”
Did this experience change your way of seeing the world and open your mind?
“ Yeah I realized that it’s hard to tolerate or get used to something new, I mean when you’re living in a new country surrounded by a foreign culture and strange people it necessarily opens your mind.”
Do you think everyone should do an exchange year?
“ I think that exchange years are really really important and beneficial but it’s also a hard thing to do so i dont think it’s for everybody, it’s a lot of work.”
What would you say to someone who is leaving for an exchange year ?
“ I would recommended them to take every experienced that they can even if you’re not sure about it just do it just to discover something new and even if you don’t like it you can say that you did it, don’t have regrets and probably learn something of it”
It was very interesting to read about Veronica’s story and her experiences. I love all the photos, they really add to the interview.
I think that this is helpful for people who are considering doing an exchange year. It’s also useful to learn about different cultures and languages!
I like this interview and Veronica Garcia’s international education is very interesting to read about. I also love the message about language that Veronica shares.