New Beginnings: Welcome Coughlin’s Law to Our Community For a while, many community members have been complaining about the lack of restaurants right in our district. Although Goodfellas is a great option for dinner and is very close, being one of the only restaurants in the district, the novelty can wear off after a while….
Author: avonews_admin

Into The Woods Wins 6 Gene Kelly Awards
Avonworth’s spring musical production of Into the Woods swept the Gene Kelly Awards for High School Musical Theater on Saturday, May 25th at the Benedum Theatre, winning 6 awards. Photos are from an in-school assembly performance in the high school auditorium on March 18th, featuring selections from throughout the show. Best Musical IMG_5201 Best Vocal Ensemble…

Senior Sunrise Starts 2nd Last Day of High School For Class of 2024
Thursday morning, members of the class of 2024 gathered by Lenzner Field to enjoy coffee and drinks from Urban Trail Coffee Company, some Lopes Cornhole, and the brand new DeRebus yearbook. A few seniors pitched tents but otherwise students lined up at 7 to get their free coffee. Teachers and staff also stopped by to…

Science Beyond Avonworth – Scientific Reasoning Students Collaborate With Colleges, Corporations
Seniors Nate Palmer, Jessica Hunt, Emma Luther, and Sofia Galoti welcomed Journalism 2 for a brief visit and recap of their research and experiences working with colleges and companies outside of the Avonworth. Mr. Wolfe, who created the course and is the instructor, uses the PA Junior Academy of Science and Pittsburgh Regional Science &…

Schedules for 2024-2025 Distributed In LEAD
Thursday May 16th featured the usual mid-May events. Keystone tests, a field trip, class projects. But in 2024, it also included student schedules being distributed in LEAD, a bump about two weeks earlier then normal. Reactions ranged from excitement to frustration and confusion. The scheduling process in 2023-2024 worked on a different time-table, like many…

2024 Construction Update: May Includes More Classroom Revisions
One more section of the high school now has the same carpet and glass that defined classroom renovations in 2023 and 2024. See pictures below for a glimpse around campus in early May 2024. The old learning support rooms, home to Mrs. Negron, Ms. Wickert, Ms. Wahl, and Miss White, now are split into a…

2024 Prom: Roaring Up I-79 to Cranberry
Journalism 2 students went out around the under-construction high school on Monday, May 6th to hear what was good, mediocre, and could have been better from the 2024 Prom, themed with the Roaring ’20’s. Most significant? A move from Promenade in the auditorium followed by dance in downtown Pittsburgh at the David L Lawrence Convention…

Junior Wins Multiple Essay Competitions
Junior Emma Noss added onto her writing accomplishments at Avonworth by finishing in first place for the 2024 PA Scholar Ben Franklin Essay Competition and the Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Essay Competition. Emma earned $6000 from the PA Society for her 750 word essay on a quotation from Ben Franklin. She was recognized for…

Avonews Artists Finish in Top Ten at Penn State for PSPA State Journalism Finals
Junior Airah Shafiq finished tied for 3rd and senior Bree Brown placed 3rd outright at the state final competition for PA School Press’s Journalism competition on Wed, April 3rd at Penn State’s Main Campus. Both competed in artwork categories, a first for the Avonews since PSPA restarted the competition in 2014. Competition focused on taking…

Student Finance Team Wins States, Heads to Nationals in May
As they were leaving the building, Personal Finance teacher Mr. Lincoln heard his student’s ambitions loud and clear: “Next year, we’re going to win.” One year later, seniors Brayden Simmons, Ryan Hetcko, and Stuart McAdams reached their goal, winning the state competition in the PA Personal Finance Competition held by the Foundation for Economic Educaiton….