As a Journalism 1 student, I interviewed people about the infamous “iPhone Pinky Dent” whether or not they have it or have heard about it. Most students at Avonworth have a social media platform where they can post, read, or watch what is happening now or about anything. Most of the time, their social media…
Category: Featured

Avonews Regional Journalism Competition Includes High Profile Media Speaker
Point Park shifted their Fall Media Day into Newsapalooza, a gathering of local and regional professional journalists, while also hosting the 10th annual PSPA Regional Journalism Competition. Avonews staff and advisor Mr. Tuffiash attended keynote sessions before competing. See KDKA coverage of the event, and skip to :40-:42 to see the staff pictured upper right…

Homecoming 2024: Sisters At The Family Dress Shop
With about 2 weeks left until Avonworth’s homecoming on October 12th, students are scrambling to figure out who to go with, where to eat, and most importantly what to wear. One step of that stress can be solved at Monroeville Mall and two sisters at AHS can help. The Dress Shop, which is owned by…

First Week of 2024-2025 School Year Brings Transformation and Transition As Construction Continues
Tuesday, September 3rd, the first day back after a lengthy summer break, saw students returning to a dramatically renovated school from the one they left on the last Friday in May. The view to the left of the new front entrance in late May 2024 Same location, September 2024 Building front in late April,…

2024 Senior Edition Out Now
Physical Copies distributed to the graduates in the class of 2024 during graduation rehearsal, held indoors due to rain on Wednesday, May 29th! To read an online PDF, click here Additional coverage on Instagram. Thanks to Editor-In-Chief Zion Schenk, pictured bottom left with oncoming editor-in-chief Emma Noss, for many many unexpected hours of layout and…

Into The Woods Wins 6 Gene Kelly Awards
Avonworth’s spring musical production of Into the Woods swept the Gene Kelly Awards for High School Musical Theater on Saturday, May 25th at the Benedum Theatre, winning 6 awards. Photos are from an in-school assembly performance in the high school auditorium on March 18th, featuring selections from throughout the show. Best Musical IMG_5201 Best Vocal Ensemble…

2024 Prom: Roaring Up I-79 to Cranberry
Journalism 2 students went out around the under-construction high school on Monday, May 6th to hear what was good, mediocre, and could have been better from the 2024 Prom, themed with the Roaring ’20’s. Most significant? A move from Promenade in the auditorium followed by dance in downtown Pittsburgh at the David L Lawrence Convention…

Junior Wins Multiple Essay Competitions
Junior Emma Noss added onto her writing accomplishments at Avonworth by finishing in first place for the 2024 PA Scholar Ben Franklin Essay Competition and the Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Essay Competition. Emma earned $6000 from the PA Society for her 750 word essay on a quotation from Ben Franklin. She was recognized for…

Avonews Artists Finish in Top Ten at Penn State for PSPA State Journalism Finals
Junior Airah Shafiq finished tied for 3rd and senior Bree Brown placed 3rd outright at the state final competition for PA School Press’s Journalism competition on Wed, April 3rd at Penn State’s Main Campus. Both competed in artwork categories, a first for the Avonews since PSPA restarted the competition in 2014. Competition focused on taking…

Giant Eagle Prices Going Up. What’s Going On?
Within 2 ½ years of working at a grocery store, I’ve seen prices for certain items rise and fall. I started working in a time where there were still freakouts about what was going to happen about COVID, so I can remember some things being much more expensive than they are now, such as eggs,…