Here are the answers to the crossword puzzle from the latest edition of the avonews.
Category: School Life

High Expectations for Baseball Team Not Being Met
The Avonworth baseball team has had many ups and downs this year. After losing 17-0 in a section game against New Brighton, they won their next game 2-1 against South Side Beaver, the best team in the section. Junior shortstop Eric Lippert said, “Our talent this year looks like we have the potential to be…
Man of La Mancha Review
On April 4th, the unveiling of Avonworth’s production of Man of a La Mancha took place. A variety of grades ranging from seventh to twelfth took the stage in an attempt to make the auditorium transform from a low-lighted theater into the magical land of La Mancha. The orchestra beings the show with a fantastic…

Stanley Cup Pops Up in Pittsburgh
NHL Playoffs start on Wednesday April 16, 2014 and the Stanley Cup has already arrived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Hockey fans in Pittsburgh had a chance to see the cup in person. Phil Pritchard,Stanley Cup handler, was also at the event and the fans were able to meet him also. The Stanley Cup was brought to…
Dan’s Dining|Amelia and Corey visit Pizza Pronto
Starving from not eating food for 7 hours, we embarked on a romantic date to Pizza Pronto in Avalon. Many Avonworth students have acclaimed Pizza Pronto, so we went to check it out for ourselves. Driving down California Avenue, we saw a red building to our right with the Pizza Pronto logo stamped on its…
Cher Lloyd: The Bubble Gum Princess is No More by Ericka Thomas
The Bubble Gum Princess phase of Cher Lloyd’s post X-Factor career is coming to an end, and this change might be for the better.The lovable, energetic pop star Cher Lloyd is transforming from a princess to a queen, as she performed her new music at the Carnegie Music Hall in Homestead on April 1, featuring…
Tas Cru Performs at Avonworth High School
See these photos of Tas Cru and Sonny Rock at Avonworth High School
Welcome to the Arena | Arena Scheduling 2014
This past week all of the freshman, sophomores, and juniors made their schedules for the upcoming 2014-15 school year. The students had experienced different conflicts, frustrations, and excitement. Usually each grade is split up into different groups and called down throughout the day from the loudspeakers that typically give announcements. However, this year was different…
Man of La Mancha Preview
Man of La Mancha has it all – laughs, action, singing, music, romance, dancing horses, an idealistic man who is a poet and tax collector. What is not to be excited about? Avonworth High School’s spring musical Man of la Mancha opens Friday, April 4th at 7:30 PM. The show is a play within a…
Opening the Temporal Zipper | Humor
Students today encountered many issues in regards to tardiness in their classes. As a matter of fact, most students were showing up late to classes by an hour and ten minutes! “How is this possible?” you ask. Avonworth High School is stuck in an interdimensional time paradox. Perhaps you noticed people with third eyes? Or…