On the last day to buy Prom Tickets, walls were much more bare throughout the high school. Leftover installations from Galleries Project artwork, some dating back to 2015, were removed from hallways, cafe’s, and walls throughout the school.
The BYOT booth, created in 2015 for a Galleries project, moved from the HS lobby to behind the HS, near a dumpster brought as part of construction.
Galleries Project portraits were removed from the wall on the left in the picture – and teachers could claim them. For coverage of the 2019 installation, click here: https://avonewsonline.org/2019/04/galleries-hallway-gets-new-faces/
Across from the counseling room, photos of valedictorians and salutatorians were removed. This area also became a galleries project, leading to the “Who am I/Who am I becoming” wording as part of a Warhol-inspired installation which hung in the late 2010’s.
Art teacher Mrs. Villani stopped by the pub lab on Thursday April 27th to answer a few questions about these changes. She also followed up by e-mail, quoted below.
While I am sad to see the old pieces go, the intention of Galleries was always to have something new each year. Projects stuck around much longer than we expected. Sometimes that is great, other times it has led to vandalism and destruction. We’re excited to add new projects to the remodeled building!
Scholarship plaques next to counseling were also taken down
Another Galleries Project installation, a series of mirrors, were taken down. Coverage of earlier painting is here: https://avonewsonline.org/2018/02/mattress-factory-2017-2018-group-repaints-purple-hallway/