Question 1 for interviewers: How did PJ day make the regular school day more fun?
-¨It made me feel more comfy in my pjs than my regular clothes.¨
– ¨When I wear my pjs it is not a real day and I feel empowered.¨
– “I am super comfy and I like onsies¨
-¨Because I am cozy¨
-¨I felt cozy all day¨
Question 2 for interviewers: How did PJ day make the day more visually interesting?
-¨I got to look at all the different pjs everyone wore and the different choices.¨
-¨I like to see how people are when they are not all dressed up¨
-¨It was cool to see all the different pjs¨
-¨Because I am a huge dude in a fury suit¨
Question 3 for interviewers: Who wore PJ best and had the best theme?
-¨Myself (Kem)¨
-¨Me (Nicole Costa)and Abby Crilley¨
-¨I did (Nick Weiser)
¨I liked Hayden Robinsonś outfit because she has a Eor onesie on¨
It was appealing how you got opinions of students in all grades.