One week into the 22-23 school year, over 550 students finished off their late August days adjusting to a number of new regulations. Many students are not thrilled with the new rule of “Wake Up Wednesdays”. Students in 11th and 12th grade are now required to come into school every Wednesday for LEAD, the first…
Author: avonews_admin

Staff, Students Show Loyalties to Pitt, WVU As Backyard Brawl Returns
Pitt and WVU gear were spotted around the high school as alumni and fans anticipated the first football match between the schools in over a decade. After Mod B, the Pitt fight song played over the loudspeaker as well. Pitt enters the season as ACC champ and ranked in the top 20th nationally. ESPN’s FPI…

AP US History Inspires Unique Artwork
Junior Zoe Trexel added onto the lively and often tangential atmosphere of cartoons drawn by classmate Jack Blaser across Mr. Mancini’s whiteboards in room 307. Here is a look at Trexel’s artwork, Blaser’s artwork, and the end result of Mancini’s Bread showing a little bit of public support. Mr Tuffiash posted this picture through Avonews…

Niomi’s Notes, Final Edition – Transcript of Niomi’s Speech of Distinction, Class of 2022 Graduation
Editor’s Note: This is a transcript of Niomi’s speech she delivered during graduation, the evening of June 3rd, 2022, at Lenzer Field. Thank you Mrs. Dwulit…. Good evening families and friends, Every single one of us in the class of 2022 has made mistakes. Even if we’re not sure we actually learned from them,…

Final School Day of 2021-2022 Features SHOUT Fundraisers for Feeding America
June 3rd, 2022 featured the first ever SHOUT event “Last Day of School Thon”, which raised over $70 for Feeding America. Movies, Esports and Board Games, and a Trench Warfare simulation were the options across rooms throughout the high school. Mod H featured a Knockout game of select staff versus students to end the school…

Avonews Guide To Local Donuts, National Donut Day 2022
Try one of these four local options for donuts: the first, a classic exclusively in Bellevue, the second, a brand new vegan bakery, and the final two are corporate mainstays. Lincoln Bakery Donuts, Lincoln Bakery, Bellevue Staff sample: Sprinkle Variety, vanilla and chocolate frosted, all vanilla batter, including one long john Recommend for: class parties,…

ESL Buddies – Guest Article by Jack Hustwit
A number of students who speak English as their second or third language had the opportunity to pair up with English-first speakers through a program Mrs. Arnold started this year called ESL Buddies program. Students in Latin and Spanish classes met with their buddies once or twice a month to boost their language skills and…

SHOUT Brings Local Indigenous Speaker For Last Day Assembly
Over 200 students and faculty members attended Salvation Army Lieutenant Tyler Melfi’s talk in the auditorium about his Seneca, Apache, and Iroquois heritage and traditions, as well as his views on challenges in culture in 2022. Mr. Melfi, pictured on stage, wore traditional clothes and performed a traditional dance through the 45 minute assembly, as…

9th Grade Wins Feeding America Change Challenge Fundraiser Run by SHOUT
The SHOUT club finished off their first full year outside of heavy pandemic restrictions by organizing a Avonworth version of Penn State’s THON to collect money for Feeding America. One featured activity before the full day events on the final day of school was a change challenge, which the 9th grade won by both adding…

Top 7 Ways You Played Wordle In 2022
Launched by a Brooklyn based software engineer in October 2021, Wordle grew from 90 players in November 21 to 300,000 in January of 22, before reaching millions in the winter and spring of 2022, according to an article on TechCrunch. Here at Avonworth, you could find devoted students not only playing the classic, but a…