Welfare recipients should have to take drug tests before getting a welfare check. The problem lies where citizens that have to pay taxes are paying for some welfare recipients that are using their money to buy drugs. Officers that make drug arrests say that two out of five people are using welfare. Drug testing isn’t…
Author: avonews_admin

Invest in High Speed Railways – Guest Editorial by Griffin Geppert
Sitting in traffic, waiting for the person in front of you to move up a little, so you can inch up toward the traffic light…only to have to stop again because the light turned red on you. This is a common problem for anyone trying to move through traffic. Would you want to wait five…

Terminally Ill People Must Have the Right To Die – Guest Editorial by Thomas Donovan
Humans should have autonomy over their decisions about their life. The value of life is very high, although that is in certain situations. Life is a beautiful entity for the most part that is until something comes along to make it a little bit of a bumpy ride. A life threatening illness is of course…

Keep Troops in Iraq – Guest Editorial by Justin Gross
With Obama’s State of the Union address including the decision to start the process of pulling the soldiers out of Iraq started, major debates remain about what to do with the remaining soldiers stationed in Iraq. “Obama hails end of combat operations in Afghanistan” wrote Journalist David Jackson. The article stated that 13,500 service men…