The graduating class of 2023 assembled in the HS lobby after a breakfast set up by sponsors Tara Wahl and Lucille Negron. Wahl and Negron, pictured to the right below, were also the Junior class sponsors this school year. The senior class moved through the school around 10 AM, parading through the outside of the…
Author: avonews_admin

Last Days of The Library/Collaboration Center
Friday, June 2nd finished not only the 2022-2023 school year, but an unexpected year of transitions, adjustments, and eventual downsizing for the high school library. Rededicated in memorial for former Social Studies teacher Jeffery Boggess in 2015, the Collaboration Center was scheduled to downsize and make room for four new classrooms. Due to increasing construction…

Student Schedules Released
Around 5 AM on Wed May 31st, Mr. Como sent an email to AHS students with information about student schedules. Here is the e-mail: Good morning! As another school year comes to a close, we reflect upon our experiences; what we have lost, what we have gained, and what we have learned. We wish our graduates…

Avonews Staff Earns First Place Awards For 22-23 Issues from American Scholastic Press Association
On the last day of school for the seniors on the 22-23 Avonews staff, the timing could not have been more special. Co editors Laurel and Matthew Purcell led their staff to a First Place with Special Merit award and Best High School Digital Newspaper [500-1000 students] award from the American Scholastic Press Association. Editorial…

J1 Eats: Unusual Flavors From Big Brands At Giant Eagle
On Friday, May 26th, 2023, students in the Journalism 1 elective sampled a variety of foods you might see, but probably not buy, at Giant Eagle just down Camp Horne Road. As the Avonews Online staff worked on captions for the Awards Assembly, they experienced the good, the bad, and the odd of unique Pop…

Update on AHS Construction – Galleries Projects Removed, Including Valedictorian Photos/Plaques
On the last day to buy Prom Tickets, walls were much more bare throughout the high school. Leftover installations from Galleries Project artwork, some dating back to 2015, were removed from hallways, cafe’s, and walls throughout the school. The BYOT booth, created in 2015 for a Galleries project, moved from the HS lobby to…

2023 March Madness: Journalism Classes Pick Brackets
Members of Journalism 1, pictured above and below, and Journalism 2 picked their NCAA Men’s and Women’s Tournament Brackets leading up to the start on Thursday, March 16th. Here’s the championship game and bottom two brackets, picked hastily by the class:

Guest Chefs Teach The Art Of Fresh Pasta Making
Tidy old-fashioned paper caps were a surprise fashion around AHS on Thursday, February 23rd. Why? Guest chefs from Pasta By Yvonne brought special homemade pasta equipment, their knowhow, and a little extra style with the paper caps as they shared techniques with about 30 Foods students during LEAD, Mod B and F/G. Here are a…

Hallmark Holiday or Honest Happiness – Opinions on Valentine’s Day
Avonews Online staff asked teachers and staff on Valentine’s Day about the holiday itself. Here’s a few opinions… Mr. Steiner, substitute teacher, former English Teacher at AHS 1970’s to 2000:“Valentine’s Day is about love, not physical, but emotional love to everyone… It’s about making everyone feel special by doing something to let them know you…

Medical Lockdown: What To Know
Around 11 AM on Friday, February 10th, Dr. Dwulit announced a medical lockdown through the loudspeakers. Dwuilt spoke to Avonews reporters in 2019 about Medical Lockdowns to provide more information. A lockdown is “(administrations) first response to a dangerous situation”, according to Principal Dwulit. “A Medical Lockdown is a medical situation and somebody’s…