Without doing a job or any extraneous work, students could win 25 dollars. This opportunity comes from a Literary Magazine sponsored contest running now in the high school. Contest details are advertised on the announcements, on the fragments billboard and Instagram account (@avonworthfragments), on mini posters on lockers, and via teachers in the English classrooms….
Author: Maya Berardi
Global Scholars Cultural Field Trip
Students observe Pittsburgh’s bridges out the bus windows as they enter the city for the Rivers of Steel field trip on Thursday, November 16th. The S&D Polish Deli was the first stop, where samples of kielbasa, pierogies, and “head cheese” were offered. Junior Emily Tyler (and Senior Richard Danylo) enjoy the Strip District’s oddities. Lunch…

iBoss Halloween Costume Slightly Triggers Students
As an Avonworth student, one experiences the struggle of the online iBoss blocking system on a daily basis. It can strike while innocently researching a project or watching Netflix on school grounds, and has become so iconic that it was English teacher Mr. Tuffiash’s Halloween costume this year, constructed from two poster boards and some…