2022 has been a very interesting year compared to the last 2. We had the mask regulation appealed and the year has been somewhat normal. The year also brought many new trends and concepts. These trends have shaped this year for better or worse. Here is my list of the top 5 thing 2022 couldn’t…
Category: Featured
Best Food Trends of 2022
Many of these food trends were popular on Tiktok and other kinds of social media. The most viewed TikTok food trend this year was cloud bread with 3.4 billion views. Smoothie Bowls- 2.1 billion Baked oats- 1.3 billion Nacho Table- 415.1 million Butter Board- 358.4 million Perfectly Round Cookies- 80.3 million Dip Night- 73.8 million…
2022 wouldn’t have been complete without…
No masks Less restrictions Being a senior Getting my license The fall play Getting accepted into college Having a job Becoming an adult friends/family
Best of 2022: Spotify Wrapped
As 2022 comes to an end, the long-awaited Spotify Wrapped has been released. Users eagerly wait each year for the specific summary, strategically customed to their music taste. On December 1, 2022, Spotify Wrapped was released. The wrapped includes information about listeners’ top songs, artists, and albums from the year prior. Users all across…
First Avonews of 22-23 Out Now
Here it is: Volume 81, Edition 1 If you would like to submit photos, be a reporter, contribute movie or music or media reviews, submit editorials, or any other part of the Avonews that interests you, please see Matthew or Laurel Purcell, this year’s co editor-in-chief.
Veterans Day 2022
At the start of Mod B, Principal Dwuilt addressed the high school in observance of Veterans Day. Here is a transcript of Dwulit’s statement, who served as a parachute jumper in Iraq and Saudi Arabia prior to her career in education: “Good morning, Lopes. I appreciate a few minutes of your time for recognition of…
Good DJ Set, Not So Good Space For Dancing – Homecoming Weekend 2022
The following opinions are a collection of observations from the Mod H Journalism class What was good Mara Stetser, freshman: “The dance was chill and the music was good.” “Everyone seemed to be having fun. I thought that the cheerleaders dance at the pep rally was cool. “ Tyler Hanny, Freshman: “the DJ {Pittsburgh…
Homecoming 2022- What You Need To Know
During LEAD, teachers were asked to present a 10 minute video from Principal Dwulit highlighting details as well as pictures of the Convention Center where the Homecoming Dance will be held. Here are screenshots of the most important information.
Homecoming Spirit Week 2022 – Pink Out Day
Spirit Week continued on Tuesday, October 18th, with a pink out theme recognizing both the girls volleyball team and the Side-Out Foundation’s work to support research and treatment for breast cancer. Girls Volleyball started the month having a home match against North Catholic with fundraisers for research and treatments. Please see the coverage…
Homecoming 2022 Spirit Week – The PJ Day edition
On trend for October 2022’s spirit week kickoff theme of PJ day were plaid flannel pajama pants. For some students, the old comfy standby was the best option to wear to school instead the actual worn out shorts or t-shirt. For others, the theme was literal and they just came to school in their PJ’s….