In an era of at least one shooting a day, concealed carry has risen to be a hot topic. America is almost equally divided in the topic, with 56% believing that more concealed weapons would make the United States safer. As the information shows, handguns were used in about 68% of firearm related homicides…

HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR PHONE? – Guest Editorial by Crystal Gross

Give me higher education, or give me death – Guest Editorial by Brandan Hart
College, the age old question, filled with even more questions. Should I stay, or should I go? Should I pay? Should I get a two or four year degree? Is it worth it? Is the debt as bad as people say? Is my job going to be able to support me, even with debt? College…

Violent video games are not the cause to youth violence – Guest Editorial by Ryan Kreutzer
Video games are just for entertainment, even rated M games like Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty. They do not cause mass shootings. They do not cause men to objectify women. They do not cause other forms of assault. They actually cause the release of anyone’s aggression that they feel building up inside. It…

School Uniforms Should Not Be the Next Fashion Trend – Guest Editorial by Elaina Tkaczenko
Each and every year public schools around the world are becoming more strict with uniform policies. Schools are debating what student’s appearances should be throughout the school day. Many are making every student have a uniform that is the exact same of all the students in the district. Uniforms go against our freedom of expression,…

Sexuality, a choice or biologically determined? – Guest Editorial by Alek Bocchino
There are many different opinions on the origins of sexuality. Some believe it is determined at birth, and others believe it is a choice made throughout a person’s life. I’m here today to prove to you that it is not a choice. In the poem written by Leon Acord, he goes on to talk…

Is Milk Healthy? – Guest Editorial by Jagmeet Singh
Is milk healthy, this is probably a question you never asked before. Why would you obviously milk is healthy. Even I didn’t think of this (I ask a lot of questions). There are many credible doctors on both sides(for more information regarding nutrition ) , as well as many large studies. However the studies…

YES To School Uniforms! – Guest Editorial by Melissa Drwal
Traditionally favored by private and parochial institutions, school uniforms are being adopted by US public schools in increasing numbers. Almost one in five US public schools required students to wear uniforms during the 2011-2012 school year. Wearing uniforms not only makes schools safer but keeps schools unified. We as students and teachers should take…

Buying Sex Should Not Be Legal – Guest Editorial by Emily Galloway
“Prostitution violates the right to physical and moral integrity by the alienation of women’s sexuality that is appropriated, debased and reduced to a commodity to be bought and sold.”- Cecilia Hoffman, Secretary of Coalition Against Trafficking in Women. When making a case for legalizing prostitution, many turn to the economical defense: We are in debt,…

Balance Safety With Freedom – Guest Editorial From Noah Lantzy about Gun Control
On March 5th, 2016, West Virginia had overridden their Governor’s veto to pass Radical NRA-Backed Gun Laws. These laws would have allowed no permit to be needed to carry around a concealed weapon, the idea of having this law put into action what from the National Rifle Association. Lucky, the citizens that live in West…