“Oh my God, not this song again.” Usually what you hear when another (or the same) song plays on the radio. Songs get overplayed to pieces, to the point where you actually hate the song. Over the past few decades this kind of thing has been happening, but it is becoming increasingly more annoying as…

SWATing is Not a Simple Prank
9-1-1 is an emergency number, and is meant to be used for any real emergency someone might have; because of this fact the operators are taught to take every call seriously. However some people don’t get this concept and use 9-1-1 for purposes that don’t have good intentions, this is one of those purposes. With…

SAD about School?
I trudge home, uphill, with my face buried in my winter jacket and always end up getting hair in my mouth from the bitter wind. I throw my backpack on the steps and drag myself upstairs, still shivering; I go to sleep until my mother wakes me up to eat dinner, when the Pittsburgh grey…

Roster Rundown and Looking Forward: Pens Report
In the month of January the Penguins went 5-4-3, a very lackadaisical start to the second half of the season. What could be come of the causes for the struggles? It could be injuries of key players, or poor defense as of late, or they have just hit a slump. Something every team does is…

Avonworth vs Northgate: Dodge for the Cure
On February 4th, after a rescheduling, nine teams were ready for dodgeball. The second charity dodgeball even to be held at Avonworth High School this year, this time including teams from Northgate. Six teams from Avonworth and three from Northgate. This was Jay Knable’s second time running the tournament, and he predicted Glorious, from Avonworth,…

The Myths, Facts, and Immorality of Racial Profiling
50 years removed from the Civil Rights campaign of the 1960’s, The United States of America is trudging down a destructive, immoral path that allows for sanctioned racism. Racial profiling is an unsuccessful, distracting, and unethical policy that violates every human being’s right to equality. First, the preconceived notion that there is an astronomical gap…

January Starts, Ends with 2 Hour Delays
Students and teachers alike were satisfied with this January’s abundance of two hour delays instead of cancellations. Out of 20 student days, 5 were delayed due to the usual winter mix of snowy and icy road conditions along with below zero temperatures. “I do like spring break, but I wouldn’t mind one or two snow days,” said…

2005 Steelers Nostalgia
With the Seahawks facing off against the Patriots in the Super Bowl on Sunday, I can’t help but think about the Pittsburgh Steelers Super Bowl XL win over the Seattle Seahawks nearly a decade ago. I think about that season, and I recall some of the most incredible moments in Steelers history; all of the…

Coming Together
On January 15 the ninth grade honors World Affairs classes joined a collaborative project- Action 2015. The students participated in a conference to discuss world issues with schools close to home and with schools continents away. Schools joining in on the conference where: Agora Cyber Charter School (Pittsburgh, USA) Colegio Newland (Querétaro, Mexico) Cornell School…
Back in Time, Forward in Art
The Avonworth lobby is about to become a little slice of culture, thanks to an ambitious art installation conceived by the Pittsburgh Galleries Project. The Mattress Factory group, who aim to pay tribute to the creative and unconventional artistry of the North Side staple, intend to create an old-fashioned telephone booth with one purpose:…