In a matter of two weeks, students across the school have had a lockdown drill and a medical lockdown. What is the difference? A lockdown is “(administrations) first response to a dangerous situation”, according to Principal Dwulit. “A Medical Lockdown is a medical situation and somebody’s going to have to be moved from the building…
Author: avonews_admin

Issue 3 Volume 77 Out Now
If you have thoughts, perspectives, or ideas about what the staff should cover for the final issue this year, please let us know. Also, look for a survey later today about The Avonews, both here and in your gmail account. One lucky survey participant will get a free drink from The Lopes Lounge.

A Day In The Life: AHS Photo Gallery With Guest Liz Berie
Alumni Liz Berie visited Journalism 1 on Friday, January 11th and shared both her passion for great photography and suggestions about how to tell a story through photos. The following are various scenes around school from around 2:30 on Friday, shot by J1 students taking some of Ms. Berie’s advice. Best of luck…

Katie Conway Press Reflects Back On 1st Semester
Working alongside the Avonewsonline staff, Katie Conway completed her own content with assistance for Mrs. Mihalek and Mrs. White. Please click on the link below to to the Katie Newsletter and see her coverage of sports and school life throughout the 1st semester. Katie Newsletter

Vol 77 Issue Is Out – Share Your Thoughts
What’s good, what’s ok, what needs to go, what needs to be included in the winter issue? Post your thoughts.

A School Without Water Fountains?
What if you had to get your water from a truck and you could only get a small amount once a day? As the Journalism 1 class worked with National Geographic’s Out of Eden Project, they learned a startling statistic about how many people are already living this way, and how they will be out…

School Honors 9/11 With U.S. Flags On Campus
On Tuesday, September 11th, Army veteran and Principal Keera Dwulit said the following announcements: 8:00am: Today, on a beautiful day 17 years ago…the world changed as we knew it. Students – I realize most of you do not have memories of this event nor did you live this day vividly. But you can learn from…

Fall Sports Adjusts To Lingering Summer Heat
Throughout the city of Pittsburgh, their has been record reaching temperatures that have affected local schools. Hitting close to home, Avonworth School Districts very own sports are receiving some cautions. Avonworth Varsity Softball was scheduled for a two hour practice, but turned into an hour and a half with shorts as an option. ā€¯Right now,…

Near Record Heat After Labor Day
Students returned to the second week of the 18-19 year with July and August-like high heat and humidity. Despite the real feel of almost 100 degrees at one point on Tuesday, classes and sports throughout the high school remained on schedule. A handful of local districts had a rare September early dismissal, mostly due to…

Digging Into The 2018-2019 School Year
On Monday, August 27th, students dug into a new school year at Avonworth High School with varying attitudes. From excitedly to begrudgingly, students filed in to the cafeteria to await the first bell– which led to L.E.A.D. time, a new concept for staff and students alike. The majority opinion seemed to favor the changes brought…