“…whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.” These are…

Concealed Carry: Less Dangerous Than You Think – Guest Editorial by Adam Boaks
Concealed Carry, a large issue in America, may not be quite as dangerous as you think. Having law-abiding citizens carry a concealed weapon can and does act as a deterrent to most criminals. They are less likely to refrain from committing a crime if they know that someone is able to stop them. This makes…

Accept Gay Marriage – Don’t Stand Against it: Guest Editorial by Olivia Flynn
Gay marriage, should it be legal, should it not be legal? All states have agreed that it should be legal. On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is allowed in all 50 states. Prior to this decision, same-sex marriage was legal in 37 states and Washington DC, but was banned…

Government Bailouts For Big Business Can Work – Guest Editorial by Nathaniel Walko
The American Big Three Bailout refers to the government subsidised loans provided to Ford, GM, and Chrysler in 2008. The bailout was successful in saving over three million American jobs and insuring the pensions for nearly one million others. These three companies were in a financial downfall during this time and were at risk of…

Incorporating Tablets into Classroom Benefits Students and Improves Learning Experience – Guest Editorial by Julianna Nicolaus
While technology becomes more and more prevalent in our world, many schools are still reliant on outdated textbooks to convey information to students every day. Replacing these textbooks with tablets, or similar personalized technology, benefits the students of the classroom by giving them access to a huge amount of current information to enhance their learning…

Social Media Can Start Cyber Bullying and Hatred of Groups – Guest Editorial by Tony Grillo
Social media, a way that people can use to communicate without even being in the same room at the same time. While social media can be a way of talking with those far away, in the wrong hands can be as dangerous as a loaded gun. Most people in high school have a Facebook account…

How Illegal Immigrants Are Destroying Our Country – Guest Editorial by Coco Casey
Illegal is illegal. America is a place for everyone, no matter where you’re from. However, entry, status, length of stay, work visa, green card (and the list goes on) are all important. The Illegals are costing hard working Americans millions of dollars, not paying taxes, driving illegally uninsured vehicles, all without any consequences. If we…

Swim Team Parade Celebrates Successful Season by Sophia Brandt
The past two years have had their share of parades in the high school, celebrating WPIAL births for varsity football and track. Today, on a chilly March afternoon, the school celebrated an undefeated season for both boys and girls teams by having the band and Avonettes parade through the halls around 2 PM. For the second…

Lopes Basketball WPIAL playoffs
The Lady Lopes play Friday vs. Greensburg Central Catholic at 6:30 at Baldwin High School. The boys’ play Wednesday vs. Neshannock at 8 PM at CW North Catholic. Both teams return to the playoffs for the second straight year. The Lady Lopes completed a season including a 60 to 1 defeat of Northgate on Thursday,…

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