“Everybody’s brackets busted,” said avonewsonline staff member Sam Guzzo. One bracket not totally busted is one of three Sam made with the rest of the avonewsonline staff during a class activity before the tournament began. “March Madness is one of the few moments, like the Super Bowl, where journalism intersects with sports beyond…
Author: avonews_admin

6 Timeless and Surprising Avonews Quotes Back To 1925
||Chelsea Lee, Sam Guzzo – contributors|| To celebrate Read Across America on Friday, March 2nd, students in Mr. Tuffiash’s 11th grade English classes used a little-known fact about Dr. Seuss as a launching point into reading through 76 years of student newspaper writing. https://www.facebook.com/avonews.avonworth/posts/1480914545371502?pnref=story “We think of Dr. Seuss as a children’s book writer…

1st Home Match for Avonworth Bocce Brings Student Support
Co-sponsor Jen Wickert said , “1 -0″ won the first match last Friday at Moon in the tiebreaker frame, so they’re undefeated.” Photo by Alec Kreutzer Bocce competitions are based on the best of three matches, with today’s home match against Fox Chapel starting at 3:30. Three of the four athletes are returning from…

Words Without Walls Visits Avonworth
On Thursday, January 26th, co-founder Sarah Shotland spoke to a full Collaboration Center during 8th period about her experiences teaching creative writing to inmates in the Allegheny County Jail through the Words Without Walls program at Chatham College. After keeping the mixed audience of over 50 students quiet and engaged in the stories she shared, Shotland was…

AHS Mixed Feelings About Eagles Winning 2018 Super Bowl
Reactions across the high school were mixed, as many local Steelers fans were not happy with either the Eagles or the Patriots winning the Super Bowl. Some students enjoyed the ads: About the game itself, apathy was the key. Junior Amadeus Stern said the Eagles win “financially damaged him” due to losing $10 bets to…

School Pauses for Moment of Silence as Part of #IAM2018
At 1 PM on February 1st, Principal Keera Dwulit asked students and teachers to pause for a moment of silence to acknowledge the 50th anniversary of the Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike and the significance of the National Day of Silence. Students noticed the event with a range of reaction. Senior Naudia Ellis thought, “it was interesting because…

Be a Lifesaver – Blood Drive Friday Jan 12th
The Avonworth High School blood drive is scheduled for Friday, January 12, 2018 7:30 am – 1:30 pm in the High School Auditorium. Be a Life Saver and help our high school scholarship student earn money for college expenses. All employees of Avonworth School District, as well as adult members of the community, are invited!…

Mock Crash 2017: December Date Draws Student and Media Attention
Photos by Chloe Boothby (1st and 2nd) and Keyaira Cameron

Ugly Sweater Day 2017
Friday, December 15th, 2017 wasn’t just the opening day for Star Wars – The Last Jedi. Staff and students celebrated the holiday season with Ugly Sweater Day by showing up at school with a variety of festive garb. Here are a few of the wardrobe sights around school:

Veterans Day 2017
In the days leading up to Friday, November 10th, Principal Keera Dwulit e-mailed all high schools about the following: Students, This Friday we will be honoring Veterans Day by carrying the American flag all day from 7:30am until 3:00pm. It will start with a short opening ceremony at the flag pole at 8:05 am and then students will…