On August 8th 2023, brush fires were sighted in Maui county in the state of Hawaii. The brush fires were nothing to be afraid of, and officials told residents the fire was contained. Yet only a few hours later, the fire spread even more, forcing residents to evacuate. Wildfires are not necessarily uncommon in Hawaii,…
Author: Jack Salisbury

New Entrance and Exit Traffic Pattern On Campus Closes Out 2023-2024 School Year
Please see the video below to view the new traffic pattern. Major changes? Everyone enters through a side door, not the main entrance. The road into the student parking lot is now One Way…so leaving school will be much slower for students. If you drive, you’ll be leaving after the busses, and through the old…

Powderpuff Football Cancelled Due To Lack of Players
In December, the sophomore class postponed their annual Powderpuff Football game fundraiser. This postponement followed a earlier rescheduling, too. The final challenge this spring was due to a lack of players Despite the cancellation, an aspiring journalist still used the reschedule for an opportunity and I joined in. Sophomore Luke Chrissis hopes to be…

2023 NFL Draft: How did it go for the Steelers?
The 2023 NFL Draft was this past weekend, and the Steelers had a lot of missing holes, with them proving to us they were able to fill them. Round 1 Pick 14 was Broderik Jones, an Offensive Tackle for Georgia, and arguably the 2nd best linemen in the draft behind Paris Johnson. He is 6’5…

The Hopscotch Board: Why Is it here?
A hopscotch board appeared out of the blue in the language hallway this spring, something many students enjoyed, yet others didn’t even know existed. It was funded by the school nurse using her wellness grant, which is very much appreciated by the students of Avonworth! ” I chose that hallway because it is well traversed…

April 24th, 2023: The day US 21st century media changed – an editorial
Ever since I was a kid, Fox News was always on the TV around my house. A night wouldn’t go by where my parents weren’t watching Fox News, so I always grew up around it. So it is a shocker that Fox parted ways with their famous host, Tucker Carlson. They “parted ways” due to…

Spring Weather Raises School Safety Questions
At 11:30 on Wednesday, March 29th 2023, Avonworth community members were notified of active shooter hoax call that activated lock downs in the surrounding area. Students were both relieved that an announcement was made both in the school by Mr. Hall and sometimes emotional in coping with the possible reality that a school shooting could…

2023 March Madness: UConn Wins Wild NCAA Tournament
The 2023 March Madness winner is 4-seed UConn, and they dominated their path to being champions. In the final 4 they played 5-seed Miami, who didn’t stand much of a chance. The final score was 72-59, a blowout. In the championship they played 5-seed San Diego St, who beat 9-seed Florida Atlantic University, a…

Grand Hotel Musical Impresses Many During School Assembly
Students were treated to a medley of numbers from the 2023 spring musical, Grand Hotel, during Mod F on Monday, March 27th. Students had an overall appreciation of the skill and work it might take to practice and perform a musical, as our reporters noted students in the crowd talking about a variety…

2023 March Madness: Broken Brackets Everywhere
The first week of March Madness has gone by, and it was a crazy weekend. For pretty much every student who made a bracket, they entered school on Monday needing a second-chance start. Junior Atticus Kardell had a UCLA vs Baylor championship game, and is better then most because #2 UCLA remains in the competition….