Going to the Sanders Rally early in the morning on March 31st, I would have to go through a two hour line. But during that time, and later in the rally area itself at the Convention Center, I noticed something that would give me a greater sense of faith in Humanity. The diversity of the…

Around Avonworth: An Ordinary Day Photo Gallery
On a regular Thursday in April 2016, Alexey wandered the campus both inside and out during his study hall 2nd period. This is what he found… .. Last photo taken by Ben Knoebel Facebook0GooglePinterest0EmailPrintReddit0Tumblr0Twitter

Student Body Gets a Look at “Into The Woods”
Thursday, April 15th, the cast of “Into the Woods” gave a spectacular teaser of what to expect from the upcoming performances of the next two weekends. They sang several numbers for the student body, including “First Midnight” and the finale of Act One. The following photos were taken during the performance, with some glimpses of…

Winter Sports Wrapup – A Season of WPIAL Winners
The winter sport season for 2015-2016 was wildly successful across the board. Multiple athletes competed at the WPIAL and State levels. Both the girls’ and boys’ basketball teams made it to the playoffs, and both were eliminated in the first round. The wrestling team, one of the co-op sports with Northgate, struggled due to a…

Palm Oil Production Harming Environment and People – Guest Editorial by Sarah Schaffner
Palm oil is derived from a type of palm tree that is from an area in the Congo Rainforest. It is a cluster-fruiting tree that require a tropical climate; making any tropical rainforest the perfect place for these trees. This leads to the destruction of rainforests mainly in Indonesia due to the similar climate. Over…

Comments and Corrections for Spring 2016 Issue
Please leave your comments or corrections below. Thank you for reading the avonews. If you would like to participate, please e-mail Mr. Tuffiash, the advisor, at stuffiash@avonworth.k12.pa.us and he will forward messages onto the staff. Facebook0GooglePinterest0EmailPrintReddit0Tumblr0Twitter

Surprise Ice Results in Delayed Teachers and Unscheduled Study Hall
A surprise blast of winter weather delayed at least ten teachers on their way to school the morning of Tuesday, April 5th. Temperatures dropped into the low twenties overnight, and people woke up to a significant amount of snow on the ground. The resulting iciness caused numerous accidents and delays on major roadways. All students were…

Abortion Should Be Illegal: Guest Editorial by Tatianna Boyer
Abortion is taking the life of an innocent living human being, it’s as simple as that. It should not be a choice to abort a child, life begins at conception. Once fertilization begins, that human individual is created with a unique genetic identity that will remain unchanged throughout his or her life. It should not…

The Pledge of Allegiance “Under God”: Guest Editorial by Ian Tallman
Every student who has ever attended a public school in America has done at least one thing in common, the Pledge of Allegiance. Ever since its creation in 1892 by Francis Bellamy it has been recited countless times. The only difference is that until 1923 the Pledge read, “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and…

Abortion: When Is It OK? Guest Editorial by Santana Eberhart
I believe that abortion should be only under certain circumstances. I know of women and girls who have gotten abortions either because they were forced, or pressured, or simply “not ready to be a parent”. Those are just the most common reasons, there are women who’ve gotten pregnant from rape, there are women who didn’t…