Returning after almost ten years since her last visit, Marion Lazan, who survived over a year in the Bergen Belsen concentration camp during World War 2, spoke to a filled auditorium of attentive students from 8th through 12th grade about her story of survival. The hour long assembly remained captivating for the large majority…
Author: avonews_admin

Friday, February 17th – Life Inside and Outside AHS Photo Gallery
The halls were quiet throughout this warm Friday in February leading into a long weekend for students. 40% of seniors were absent due to a ‘skip day’, leaving the school at 85% capacity. Journalism 2 students Caitie Bellotti, Isabel Thompson and Ryan Kreutzer spent part of 8th period photographing around and outside the high school…

Quick Power Outages Interrupt 8th Period
Two power outages occurred during 8th period on Wednesday, February 15th. Both were short outages, the first happening close to 2 PM and lasting close to five minutes. Power gradually returned, but the second and final outage occurred around 2:05 and lasted for at most two minutes. Duquesne Light’s website did not show large reports of…

King of Hearts Dance Cancelled
Between 7th and 8th period on Friday, February 3rd, Mrs. Cahill announced that the King of Hearts Dance was cancelled. Most students held a similar reaction. Senior Justin Bellotti said, “It’s not always fun anyways, and they say they try to make it fun but they don’t. All of the ideas about making it fun…

@lightbeamteam Ends Week With Positives For Everyone
Students arrived on Friday morning, January 27th, to a school with a small bit of sunshine on every locker. Senior Cassidy Southern, along with fellow senior Abigail Busse and Junior Isabella Limoncelli, stayed after school on Thursday to put a positive post-it note on each locker throughout the entire high school Started in January 2016, the…

Veterans Day Celebrated With Speech and Quotes
At the end of today’s announcements, Vice Principal Dwulit, an Army Veteran herself, read the following speech: Good morning, Avonworth, this is Mrs. Dwulit and I just wanted to take a moment to recognize the significance of today. On November 11th our nation celebrates Veterans Day…it is not a somber day or one to hang our…

Election 2016 Editorial: Why I Fear For The Future Of This Country by Andy Chrvala
When I began this editorial, I thought that I should write about why I thought an overall poor choice of a candidate, Donald Trump, isn’t a completely awful choice. I don’t believe that either of them should be picked as a viable choice to manage a concession stand much less the presidency. Yet, we have…

Election 2016 Editorials from Carrie Haney and Ethan Trent: How Did Clinton and Trump End Up The Candidates?
Hillary Clinton: Bernie Sanders, while very popular with the young voter demographic, was unappealing to many moderate Democrats because of his Democratic-Socialist agenda. Martin O’Malley did not make much headway during the primaries because he could not compete against the revolutionary qualities of the other two candidates. Hillary gained support from past Obama supporters, particularly following…

PSAT Testing For Half The School
On October 19th, 2016, over 200 Avonworth students in grades 10-11 took a mandatory standardized test during 1st through 4th period–the PSAT. This test provides students with practice that is similar in formatting and question types of the SAT, which students take during Junior and Senior year. Class schedules were altered and over 20 staff…

New Signs Posted Outside High School
Recently, the Ohio Township Fire Marshall visited the school and explained that Avonworth HS/MS was out of compliance with our local Fire Lane laws. Usually, cars are parked in the lane outside the High School entrance, and this makes it impossible for fire trucks to respond quickly should there ever be an incident at the…