In recent years, you would be hard pressed to find a musical not sold out completely. However, Seussical only sold out the Saturday of the final show, much slower than some of the past shows. Perhaps the slow sell out and ticket sale, compared to that of past shows, reflects the entire musical this year….

Pens Report: Not Over Yet
After the first four games of the playoffs the Penguins are losing to the New York Rangers three games to one. Is the season coming to a close? Or do they stand the chance to fight another day? Overall they have been playing great hockey and Marc-Andre Fleury has been standing on his head to…

Ignoring the Morning Announcements
“Good morning Avonworth!” Every morning as students are dreading the school day ahead of them, first they must listen to either Cassidy Southern, Angie Tozzi or Natalie Simmons preach the announcements in their upbeat and sometimes loud voices. Most times, when teenagers are awake at 7:20 in the morning, they do not want to be…

A Review of Mount & Blade: Warband
Available on Steam for 19.99$, though it often goes on sale for less, Mount & Blade: Warband is a game that has offered me many, many hours of entertainment. The vanilla (slang for original, unmodded version) iteration of the game takes place in the fictional land of Calradia, during the early medieval ages. One feature sets this…

Will Students Use the Charge Booth?
Since Monday morning, April 20th, students of our school have received a small gift in the form of a new charging booth where they can charge their phones and devices. Located by the main entry doors, the new BYOT (or Bring Your Own Tech) booth has a total of 24 spaces for chargers and is open at…

Allergy Season Blues – 2015 Style
According to HealthDay News, “The unusually warm spring weather in New York and other parts of the eastern United States has trees and other plants blooming much earlier than normal, which could mean a long and intense allergy season.” So while Spring means warmer weather and flowers popping up overnight, no more dark skies and empty…

#ShowNotTell students restore “faith in humanity”
An inspired group of students partook in a large act of kindness not for a senior project or a school club, but because they simply wanted to make a positive difference. Freshmen Lily Jensen, Twesha Modi, Gabriela Grachen, Kiara Devese, Alaine Giovengo, Isabel Talarico, Leila Wynnychyj, Katie Carlson, Brooke Mellon, and Jennie Morris decided to…

The Tale of the Missing Bike
The daily announcements are, truthfully, droned out by many a tired high school student, more concerned about staying awake than hearing about a program which initially interests very few of the student body. Once in a while, though, a certain something might catch your attention. For instance, the missing bike announcement that has been…

Basket Raffle Making a Difference
For two weeks, the Junior class officers and Mrs. Levis have been raising funds to help Mr. Boggess and his family. Many items have been donated, some dating back to collections for the Junior Class auction, as well to help, many being from parents of the 11th grade class, as well as some businesses. The most…

Pens Report: The Penguins Push for the Cup
The Penguins squeaked into the postseason after having a tremendous beginning to the regular season and faltering out toward the end. Almost no professional hockey analysts do not have them making it past the first round. Here is why they will make it past the first round and even into the Stanley Cup finals. The…