Available on Steam for 19.99$, though it often goes on sale for less, Mount & Blade: Warband is a game that has offered me many, many hours of entertainment. The vanilla (slang for original, unmodded version) iteration of the game takes place in the fictional land of Calradia, during the early medieval ages. One feature sets this…
Author: Jacob Joyce

The Tale of the Missing Bike
The daily announcements are, truthfully, droned out by many a tired high school student, more concerned about staying awake than hearing about a program which initially interests very few of the student body. Once in a while, though, a certain something might catch your attention. For instance, the missing bike announcement that has been…

Loyalty to Mastery: Pittsburgh Orchestra Timpanist Gives Master Class
On Tuesday, March the 24th, Pittsburgh Orchestra Timpanist Ed Stephen presented a Master Class to the percussion ensemble. A master class is a lesson given by an expert, typically in the performing arts, to elite students. He gave detailed lessons about snare drums, and especially timpani, as well as drills and other forms of practice….

Avonews Staff Sports Two State Champions at PSPA Competition
Senior Ryan Johnston and Junior David Clark won first place prizes for Editorial Writing and Editorial Cartooning, accordingly, at the Pennsylvania School Press Association Competition on Friday, March 6th. They arrived at 9 a.m. to a light breakfast, followed by a welcoming from 10-10:30 a.m. from PSPA members and the Dean of the College of…

Game Review: Amnesia – The World’s Worst Lantern
The horror genre. It is becoming ever more popular in today’s era. Horror books, films, and merchandise are a hot topic. But one media form stands out, in my opinion, more than the others. The fantastic genre of horror gaming! This article is a review of my favorite horror galyme, although note that it’s technically…

What’s The Deal with Beat Reporting? Final Reflection on the Hallway Beat
A beat, in reporting, is a journalistic feature that focuses on in-depth on a specific topic- sports are common- but there are many kinds of beats, really. The Journalism 2 students were asked to select a beat to report on for a week. Here’s my personal thoughts on beat reporting. It was definitely a challenge,…

Day 5 Hallway Beat
‘I’m just taking a leak’, reports Johnnie Oddo, Sophomore. It’s a frequent occurrence, you know.. Plenty of students travel back and forth through the halls to use the bathroom. Another student, Chris Stanley, informed me that he was ‘using the bathroom’ as well. On his return (Around seven minutes later, I might add) he informed…

Day 4: The Hallway Beat
This is actually interesting. I have just barely brushed the surface, of course: There’s so much to uncover, really, something that most people don’t really have any concept that even goes on. What goes on, exactly? People seem to roam the halls without a care. A good five people (and probably more) Have done this…

Why are you in the hallway? Electric Boogaloo Part 2
Why are you in the hallway again? I forgot last time. I know how this probably seems if I ask you this question. I’ll admit, it looks kind of shady. In fact, I feel kind of shady. Here I am with my laptop and notebook at the crossroads of the halls, sitting at my table,…

Why are you in the hallway?
There are vast stretches of empty hallways during classes. Perhaps you are trying to get a drink, or maybe even sneak off during class. But if I catch happen to catch you in the hallway 8th period, I may ask you this question: “Why are you in the hallway?” No, you aren’t in trouble. But…