The boys’ basketball teams’ 2019-2020 season had been successful enough to reach into the first round of playoffs. Unfortunately, they had also been taken out in the first round, leaving their record at 11-12. Overall, the season was filled with higher scoring games, including a few thrilling buzzer-beater wins. The boys won 51-49 against…
Author: Niomi Ellis

Billie Eillish Taking Over the Grammy’s Gives High School Students Mixed Feelings
Billie Eilish is the youngest artist to have won 5 Grammys, in large categories, at her first-ever Grammys. Yes she has made history and her fans are extremely proud of her, however now she is receiving some backlash from those who feel it is unfair to other artists who have been trying for years to…

Some of the 2010’s Memes – An Overview
For as long as Social Media has been alive in the world, “Memes” have been a common subject for anyone and everyone to get a laugh out of. Over the past decade, there have been hundreds of Memes that have been created. However, there are just a few that will stick with us through this…

Josten Rings On Sale
Each year, the sophomores and the juniors get called down to the auditorium to be informed about the offer to buy Josten Class Rings. These rings are customizable and are made to be special to the students who order them. However, the sophomores had quite an opinion on the prices of these rings. Alexis Schmigel…

Grief Awareness Brings Hope to Avonworth
On Thursday, November 21, the school is celebrating Grief Awareness Day. There are numerous activities that will be happening on this day, from sales of Good L’oven Cookies and Blue Raspberry Lemonade in the Lopes Lounge, and students wearing blue. All of the money raised gets donated to the Caring Place! Children’s Grief Awareness Day…

Lopes Scared By Movies?
Boo! Its time to find out all the high schoolers favorites when it comes time to sit down, turn on the movies, and get in the spooky spirit. Favorites range from thriller to horror and can guarantee to get you in the mood for Halloween. Mia Burnett,freshman, said “I would recommend ‘IT Chapter Two’ because…

Stepping Into Awareness With Socktober Donations
This October the Service-learning class is throwing a Sock Drive (Socktober) to support The Claire Marie Foundation. Students and teachers, if they choose to donate, will bring a pair of fluffy socks to the Service Learning room, and drop them in a box and that will be shipped off to the woman who suffers from…

Mxmtoon Music Review – Sad Uke Music With Bouncy Bits of Light
Picture this: It is 11:00PM on a Sunday. Rain gently caresses the windows. Your reflection stares back at you. Insomnia strikes again. The melatonin doesn’t work. Counting sheep doesn’t work. Taking a bath doesn’t work. You put on your headphones: “When the sun peaks out, I sit outside to bask in my tiny bit of…