116 Avonworth High School seniors graduated Friday evening at Lenzner Field in an outdoor, socially-distanced ceremony for the class of 2020, a notable change from the traditional early June ceremony with community members filling up the bleachers, While “Pomp and Circumstance” played over the field’s speakers, 31 masked students entered the field single file, finding…
Category: News

Allegheny County Restrictions Cause Prom at the Priory to Be Canceled
Avonworth’s Prom scheduled for July 9th at The Priory in downtown Pittsburgh has been canceled. The event, aimed to give the senior class a second chance at Prom, will not take place due to the ongoing spread of the novel coronavirus, Mrs. Dwulit announced in an email the morning of Friday, July 3rd. The high…

Protest In Pittsburgh During the Black Lives Matter Movement: An Interview with Editor-in-Chief and Photographer Keyaira Cameron
On Sunday, May 31st, at the height of the Black Lives Matter protests, my co-editor-in-chief Keyaira Cameron heard about the Pittsburgh protests and decided to attend as a photographer. Here is a transcript of a conversation we had about the experience of documenting the protest as a photographer and her thoughts about the protest in…

Seniors Celebrate Graduation in Car Cruise Across District Neighborhoods
The Avonworth community gathered to celebrate the unconventional graduation of the seniors on the evening of Friday, June 5th. In place of typical graduation ceremonies was a car parade that involved about a 3rd of the graduating class. At the start of the procession, both the Avonworth administration and teachers of the senior class gave…

Monday, March 16th, 2020 – A Student View Of A Day In The Time of COVID-19
Monday, March 16, 2020, is the start of the two-week closure of our school due to the Coronavirus. Coronavirus is affecting countries all over the world, and everyone has to take either small or big precautions to help stop the spread. Our school had no other choice but to close for two weeks. The closure…

Tuesday, March 17, 2020 – A Student View Of A Day In The Time of COVID-19
Tuesday, March 17, 2020, is the second day of the two-week cancelation. Our school still is a little lost on how things are going to work. Teachers are working hard to prepare lessons for the students, while the students are thinking about how this is all going to work. This idea of VID is something…

Names That’ll Last A Decade – Most Popular Baby Names of 2010’s
The 2010s. The most “amazing” times of our lives. Some of us may not even remember them, but there is one thing from this decade that sticks with all of us. Names. 2010: Top Three Boy’s Names: 1.Aiden Meaning: The name of the Celtic sun god, meaning “fiery.” It was traditionally a boys’ name…

Thousands, Including Avonewsonline Staff Member, Attend Vigil for Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting
On a raining Sunday evening in November 2018 over two thousand people gathered together in the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall in Oakland, more than a thousand others flooded out of the doors into the rain to make known that “The tree of life will never be uprooted by hate.” On Saturday, October 27th…

A School Without Water Fountains?
What if you had to get your water from a truck and you could only get a small amount once a day? As the Journalism 1 class worked with National Geographic’s Out of Eden Project, they learned a startling statistic about how many people are already living this way, and how they will be out…

Junior Class Poll Shows Opinions on Mass Shootings
A 10% gap splits the Junior class’s majority opinion about mass shootings, according to a poll conducted this spring by The Avonews staff. Close to 36% pinpoint America’s Gun Culture, while 46.7% place the blame on Mental Health issues. Jason Novosel added a thorough comment addressing all the options, including the 2% that blamed violent…