Corrections for sports coverage: Junior Spencer Haver offered the following corrections about the soccer program: “The boys played Sewickley Academy in the semi-finals, not quarter-finals, and won 2-1, not 1-0. Bishop Canevin was a quarter-final game, not semi-final. The girls team did not go to Highmark Stadium for a playoff game.” Further correction for Thai…
A Tale of Two Homecomings Continued
In light of the news that homecoming would be held in the high school gym, the class officers thought of trying to make the unfortunate situation better by making the homecoming dance a “rave”. The “AvonRave” would include black lights, neon paint, strobe lights and techno music. While the idea of a rave would be…

Avonviews: More Opinions and Insights
“Should backpacks be allowed in classrooms despite it being against school policy?” Out of the 49 students interviewed, every student answered yes to this question. Marley Jenkins (11th) – “Yes, backpacks should be allowed in classrooms because if people are tripping over them, they shouldn’t be running around in the classroom, and it is not hard…

Ray Goren Quick Review: Surprising for his age but just not engaging enough
The Journalism 1 class had a first listen to Ray Goren’s EP Songs For You: Here are their quick reaction to the first track, Those Days. Michela: Sounds like it would be in a commercial for swiffer. Really common – didn’t do anything for me. Reminded me of the feel and music from the cartoon…
Avonworth High School and The Bonus Point
Bonus points – how many should be given out, should they be offered at all, how fairly are they given, and can they be abused? Every student knows that more than once they have needed a bonus point here or there. After all, bonus points are the final push that can save a grade or…

Veteran’s Spotlight: William Bauer
Maintenance staff member William Bauer was kind enough to visit Mr. Tuffiash’s journalism 1 class on Thursday, November 5, 2015 to share his stories as a veteran. His visit sparked the realization that many young minds today do not necessarily realize or appreciate the importance of learning about our country’s past. Mr. Bauer, a man…
Steelers Blog- Looking Ahead.
‘Yikes’ is what all Steelers fans should be thinking right about now. Either that or just ‘oh well.’ As soon as we get Big Ben in the lineup he gets injured yet again. This time with a sprain in the foot which he received in the last game against the Raiders. Even though Roethlisberger has…
Halloworth 2015
Various seniors and faculty got into the Halloween spirit on Friday, October 30th. Facebook0GooglePinterest0EmailPrintReddit0Tumblr0Twitter

American Conflicts Class Rides The Hallways
“We are taking the bikes and trying to put as much weight on them as possibly to try and mimic the North Vietnamese soldiers that rode bikes down the Ho Chi Minh Trail during the Vietnam War. They would put ammunition and supplies on the bikes” said Christian Sasala, pictured bottom right, about the class…

Luke’s Steelers Blog: Looking for Surprise Performance from Vick
It’s Thursday afternoon, and Steelers Nation should be excited about tonight’s anticipated game against the Baltimore Ravens. This game is going to let the fans see what the rest of the season is going to look like. The Ravens are coming into this game with a record of 0-3, in a way they have caught…