With the game release for Star Wars Battlefront 3 slated for November 17th 2015, and Star Wars VII movie coming to theaters December 18th 2015, Star Wars fans are ready for Disney to bring new life to this beloved franchise. Some of this new life is Star Wars Battlefront 2 for the PlayStation 2. The game is a first…
Author: Alex Zbozny

Five Nights at Freddy’s Review: The Spookiness is Just Starting
Five Nights at Freddy’s is an Indie Horror game and this will contain some spoilers. The first thing you will hear in this game is the ring of a telephone. The character you play as named ‘Mike Schmidt’ will automatically pick up the phone. The voice you hear is the voice of the game creator himself,…

Will Students Use the Charge Booth?
Since Monday morning, April 20th, students of our school have received a small gift in the form of a new charging booth where they can charge their phones and devices. Located by the main entry doors, the new BYOT (or Bring Your Own Tech) booth has a total of 24 spaces for chargers and is open at…

Basket Raffle Making a Difference
For two weeks, the Junior class officers and Mrs. Levis have been raising funds to help Mr. Boggess and his family. Many items have been donated, some dating back to collections for the Junior Class auction, as well to help, many being from parents of the 11th grade class, as well as some businesses. The most…

Spring Break is “Saved”!
As Spring officially starts on the calendar, snow falls across the campus, spring sports are rescheduled, and a long winter seems to drag on. Luckily the School Board decided to lessen the impact of a frigid February and March by waiving a snow make up-day. The notes state that the board decided “To waive the second snow…

Love’s Kitchen: Worst Movie Ever?
“I love movies, you love movies, everyone loves movies. Now Chef Ramsay, add him to a movie and it should be an instant hit!” This is the thought process that I feel this movie went through during the writing process. Love’s Kitchen is a movie directed, written, and produced by James Hacking. What’s that, you never heard…

Being the Beat Master: Final Reflection on the Perfect Distraction Beat
Today I will be telling you what it was like being a Beat reporter and the hardships and tragedies that came with it. To start it was actual challenging and a bit difficult at times to find information, but overall it was easier then I expected. With a normal deadline of 2:00 each day I…

TV, Videogames, and Zoning out. The Perfect Distractions 5
Hello everyone and welcome to the Perfect Distractions, where I find out what is distracting the people of Avonworth while in their classes. Sadly this is the last one I will be doing for now, and I may start doing it again, but that is for another time. Today we are looking at Sophomore Matthew…

Propaganda, Politics, and literally ANYTHING. The Perfect Distractions 4
Hello everyone and welcome to the Perfect Distractions, where I find out what is distracting the people of Avon Worth while in their classes. Today we are looking at Sophomore Brandan (That is how it is spelled) Hart and his everyday Distractions. Brandan is the kind of person who gets distracting by the simplest things…

No Further Censorship of Video Games
Violent video games do not need to be censored by the government, and that parents should be the ones to stop their children from playing games they deem inappropriate. Claim: For many years now there has been a group known as the Entertainment Software Rating Board, or ESRB for short. The group has been a…