Most students view the blood drive as an opportunity to get out of class. Whether it’s that AP Calc test or notes you don’t want to sit through, the blood drive will help you get out of class…if that is your goal. You might have a different goal when you keep in mind just how…
Category: News

Avonews Staff Sports Two State Champions at PSPA Competition
Senior Ryan Johnston and Junior David Clark won first place prizes for Editorial Writing and Editorial Cartooning, accordingly, at the Pennsylvania School Press Association Competition on Friday, March 6th. They arrived at 9 a.m. to a light breakfast, followed by a welcoming from 10-10:30 a.m. from PSPA members and the Dean of the College of…

Spring Break is “Saved”!
As Spring officially starts on the calendar, snow falls across the campus, spring sports are rescheduled, and a long winter seems to drag on. Luckily the School Board decided to lessen the impact of a frigid February and March by waiving a snow make up-day. The notes state that the board decided “To waive the second snow…

Blue & Black or White & Gold: Why Does It Matter?
Black and blue or white and gold: that is the question. On February 26, I was genuinely concerned about the eyesight of my best friend when she told me that she saw a dress in white and gold when I clearly saw it in blue and black. It was so unbelievable to me at first…

SWATing is Not a Simple Prank
9-1-1 is an emergency number, and is meant to be used for any real emergency someone might have; because of this fact the operators are taught to take every call seriously. However some people don’t get this concept and use 9-1-1 for purposes that don’t have good intentions, this is one of those purposes. With…

January Starts, Ends with 2 Hour Delays
Students and teachers alike were satisfied with this January’s abundance of two hour delays instead of cancellations. Out of 20 student days, 5 were delayed due to the usual winter mix of snowy and icy road conditions along with below zero temperatures. “I do like spring break, but I wouldn’t mind one or two snow days,” said…

“Tom. Is. Out.” Tom Delonge Leaving Blink-182
One of the most notable punk rock groups of this generation could be coming to an end? Not something punk music fans want to hear. It was clear Blink-182 was a different band than it used to be after they came back from their hiatus in 2009 with a semi decent album and a lackluster…

Seeing All Of the Ismaaiyl Brinsley Story- Editorial by Kiara Devese
On December 20, 2014, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, age 28, after deciding that he could not live anymore, tragically killed two officers and himself. The most distressing fact is that the two New York officers were shot and killed by a black man. His decisions and actions have caused an even bigger rift in New York. But…

New Age of Technology
Recently, the Avonworth School District was accepted into the League of Innovative Schools, a program created by Digital Promise, which is an independent nonprofit organization authorized by Congress. The goal, and slogan, of this institution is to accelerate innovation in education. Not just any school receives this illustrious honor, as Digital Promise is a national…

No to Scottish Independence – Article by Jason Stubbs
While the 9th grade bonded on a field trip to Camp Guyasuta and others were visualizing a highly anticipated football game, Scotland was considering their future as a nation. On Thursday, September 18th, Scotland held a referendum concerning their possible sovereignty from the United Kingdom. Alex Salmond announced that he would step down as First Prime…