One of the cutest promposals of the year happened by the high school cafeteria. Senior Liam Goetz thought of an amazing idea, to ask one of Avonworths most well known students, Katie Conaway to the Life Skills Prom. The Life Skills Prom is exactly like the prom we hold here at Avonworth each year. It…
Author: Samuel Guzzo

The Penguins Playoff Beat Breakdown
Today I will be reviewing the challenges and what it was like being a beat reporter specifically from the sports and hockey point of view. I reviewed the Penguins through the kids at Avonworth. All my stuff was on their opinions and thoughts about what was with the Penguins and this years playoff run. One…

Penguins Playoff Beat 2018: Final Day
The Penguins came out of the gates on fire last night, for the third time blowing out the Flyers. With the big 5-0 Pens win they take a controlling 3-0 series and are one game away from sealing the series. My feeling about this series is that it is over. The Pens are gonna seal…

Penguins Playoff Beat 2018: Day 4
The Penguins have a big game tonight in this crazy first round series. It has been back and fourth and today the vibe around school kids seem excited, and more are wearing their Pens gear. I myself and most other kids I asked will be watching the game tonight. Almost everyone in this school seems…

Penguins Playoff Beat 2018: Day 3
It’s beginning to look like hockey season again. The weather outside is cold and snowy, how it feels all hockey season long. At the beginning of this series, it was almost 80 degrees and feeling like summer. Now it is back to being cold, hopefully putting more people back in the hockey mood. For today’s…

Penguins Playoff Beat 2018: Day 2, 2-1 Series Lead Pens
Are people in Avonworth taking back to back Stanley Cup champion Penguins for granted? Today, walking around school, I have not seen a single shirt or any form of clothing supporting the Penguins. I think this is because the Pens have been so good these past two years, everyone thinks they will just make it…

Penguins Playoff Beat 2018: Day 1, 1-0 Lead Over Flyers
The Pittsburgh Penguins, rolling into the playoffs are back to back champs and coming in hot. Many experts say they are a excellent team but their defense is just too weak to bring them back to the cup and win it three years in a row. Most predictions have the pens losing in the second…

Schools Shows Support Through Signs and Crazy Socks
On March 22 was National Down Syndrome day celebrating these amazing humans. In honor of this holiday, you can wear crazy socks and other things that will bring people’s attention towards accepting all types of people, including those with Down Syndrome. Once others notice your crazy socks, you can tell them why you are wearing…

New Look Cavs Surging
The Cavaliers a few hours before the trade deadline in the NBA did some shocking trades and blew up their entire team. Leading up to the deadline the Cavs were struggling very badly, not looking like a title contender in anyway. They had a talented roster that just could not perform and get wins together…

College Fair 2k18
Friday, February 9th had most of the Junior class on a field trip to the annual NACAC National College Fairs tour at the David L Lawrence Convention Center. At the fair colleges and amazing universities from all over the country attended. There were over 400 schools there ranging from local community colleges to big-name schools…